Choose your pricing plan

We provide the most responsive and functional tech solutions for companies and businesses worldwide.


30 days / PRO


per Project Manager
can add project and manage the impact chain


per Project Manager’s seat

Unlimited Editor’s seats

360 EUR/year

40 EUR/PM/month

separate environment for projects


up to 5 Project Manager’s seats

Unlimited Editor’s seats

600 EUR/year

60 EUR/PM/month

join environment of projects for AI and machine learning


per Project Manager’s seat

 Unlimited Editor’s seats

1200 EUR/year

120 EUR/PM/month

can see the categorized data from other projects or grantees

Frequently asked questions

How does Impactso simplify the process of impact measurement?

Impactso leverages the Theory of Change and the Impact Chain methodology, providing a structured framework for tracking your activities, outputs, outcomes, and overall impact. Our software automates data collection, analysis, and reporting, turning complex processes into a few simple clicks. This saves time, reduces operational costs, and provides clear, compelling insights that can be easily shared with donors and stakeholders​​​​.

What makes Impactso different from other impact measurement tools?

Unlike many competitors that focus on specific aspects of impact measurement, Impactso offers a holistic solution for all the process starting define your strategic goal, track your data to make sure you are on your way and make nice reports to let your work shine. Our platform integrates advanced AI for data analysis, supports real-time data recording, and provides tailored strategic consulting. Additionally, we emphasize interoperability with major CRM systems, enhancing accessibility and allowing for more effective impact measurement​​​​.

Is Impactso easy to use for all team members?

Yes, Impactso is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Our intuitive interface ensures that all team members, regardless of their technical expertise, can easily navigate and utilize the software. This promotes consistent data collection and sustainable use across your organization, making impact measurement an integrated part of your daily operations​​​​.

How secure is my data with Impactso?

Data security is a top priority at Impactso. We employ advanced encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure secure access. Our team conducts regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks. Additionally, Impactso complies with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations, ensuring your data is handled securely and in compliance with legal standards​​.

How does Impactso support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Impactso aligns its impact measurement framework with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), helping organizations track and report their contributions towards these global objectives. This alignment ensures that your impact data is relevant and meaningful on an international scale, enhancing the credibility and attractiveness of your initiatives to donors and stakeholders​​​​.

Can Impactso integrate with our existing systems?

Absolutely. Impactso is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing technological infrastructure through API-based solutions. This ensures compatibility with the tools you currently use, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency. Our integration capabilities allow for smooth data exchange and streamlined workflows, making the adoption of Impactso as seamless as possible​​​​.

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